Thursday, February 25, 2010

One more thing.... Fashion show tonight at midnight! Im making mom try on all the night gowns she bought for this occasion.... Te He He

Back Surgery Day Uno!

Thank goodness for pain meds! And Mom really appreciates everyones help today! On another note since I am the one typing for mom and she can't stop me all that I have to say is good thing I love her! Cause pillow treatment has come to my mind more than once!!! Right-Left-Back are words that mom is muttering in her sleep! I havent been able to close my eyes yet in fear that I will miss pushing moms button every 10 minutes. Anyways Mom survived and is doing well:) She sends her love and wants to watch all the grandkids the whole entire summer since she will be feeling so dandy! Good night!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Natalie and Dustin you are in our prayers

Dear Natalie and Dustin we are thinking and praying for the little Finn, I am sure that things will go okay. I knew that little Finn would give you a run for your money. Maybe we can be room partners. You won't be able to stand my screaming though. You are not, I repeat coming to stay all night with me. I can tend myself while you tend Henry and Finn. Love Mom and Farmer. We will see you tomorrow!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I made a big big mistake, I forgot yesterday!!

This is for February 22 and the 23rd , I got in bed last night and got so darn cozy, which is hard for me, and I remembered that I had forgotten to blog for Sunday.... Please forgive me .I feel so dang dumb, but that is not that unusual. I am feeling the days coming closer and CLOSER. I have got to pack tomorrow and get everybody's things together. Well, we need to go and read, so I will close for Sunday and Monday.Did you know that the average variety caterpillar has 228 muscles in it's head. I love you all. Love Nona and Farmer

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Getting closer and closer.....

I have had a fun day today, resting in bed, pretty soon, I won't have an excuse any more. Tonight Spencer, Kassidy, and Mitch and the rest of us had dinner together and I got out the goblets and the whole faldaral. It was fun. We even had candles. Tomorrow I am going to try to go to church, if my back isn't acting up. It really has been kind of a long day. Dad and Spencer planted an apricot and an apple tree. We will have so much fruit, it will be great. We love you all, I will bring you all treats. Here is an interesting fact, the bite of a cobra is deadly enough to kill even an elephant if it's bitten on the trunk tip or the base of the toenail. How about that one. Love. Nona and Farmer

Friday, February 19, 2010

Gary's Birthday today. he is 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is Gary's birthday today and he is 70 years young.  He had a fun birthday I hope. You all were so nice to call and send  some fun things for him.  He loved his day.  Eve Larkin, do you know me very well?  I always plan months and then days in advance what I will wear and bring when I come up to your house and to see everybody, even my makeup and jewelry.  You are kind of like me I think.  Are you always thinking and planning things?  Even when your mom was little and we went somewhere, I would plan for days what to bring for everyone and  what they might need.  I would always even tell everyone to remember to bring their hotpad, and silly things like that.  I guess that is what makes me Melanie.  Thank-you for writing to me.  I love you and your sister and brothers so much.  I will write you tomorrow okay?  Be thinking of what I should bring though okay?   Love, Nona and Farmer

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What should I wear in the hospital???????????????

Now my big, big, dilemnia  what should I take to the hospital to wear?  I thought a robe and maybe some PJ bottoms.  How does that sound?  Give me some suggestions okay?  I have finally put away the Christmas decorations on the bannister and the front door area.  I missed Valentines day.  What has hit me, I do not miss holiday decorations like that.  Shame....... Spencer helped me take the few things down that needed to go the garage way.  Cassie, I even threw a few things away.  I will bring some treats up when we come on Wednesday.  I can't wait to see you all but I wish it was under other circumstances.  Love, Nona and Farmer

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A long thinking day.......

As you all can guess, today all day, my little mind has been mulling over the back operation, when it was a c-section I could plan the whole thing out, Huh, Cassie.  but this is different, I don't know what in the hedouble toothpicks they are going to do to me.  I guess I will find out.  Marissa I need you to make me a countdown clock like you have done for yourself  for events, both good and bad.  I do love and appreciate the fact that you are all so willing to help me, that makes me able to face things easier.  I do love all of you.  Love, Nona and Farmer

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The GIGANTIC pop heard around the world

As I was getting ready to start to blog, Dad got off the chair here, Spencer was half-way up the stairs and we all heard the biggest pop we have ever heard, I thought that the TV had blown up, I don't know what Spencer thought, but it was Dad's left knee cap.  Spencer ran and got his cane so we don't know if it popped back in or out.  Time and pain will tell.  I am going to have my surgery on February the 25th.  If I get brave enough.  I will I hope.  Promise to come and see me, I will be calling back in favors, I don't want to be left alone.  Natalie, remember the dentist, Ashlee, remember the croup tent in the hospital for 1 week, I actually slept with you in the crib.  Aimee, well I guess it would be your tonsils,  Lacey, I will let you off the hook, except for a call or two.  Cassie, remember the wisdon teeth and your stress fractures, Christian, the week I spent with you in the peds floor while he was in an isolette, Marissa, well you will never let me help you, you even threw the baby tylenol behind the couch, and Spencer, the nights that I would hold your finger in bed while you were going to sleep.  Now that I have let my guilt trips build.  Dad just informed me that his knee is numb.  I had better go and check him.  I love you all and you really do not owe me a thing. I would do it all over again in a second.  I love you all so much.  Love, Mom

Monday, February 15, 2010


I have been very interested to read about the terrible earthquake in Haiti. I have sent you many articles and if you want to reread them go to It makes me so humble and thankful for what I have. Another thought that comes to mind is that these people were so poor that it was hard for them to have any emergency supplies. I hope that if an earthquake were to hit here, we would have some food and water and first aid supplies.
Last, but certainly not least, I know the Savior is in the midst of these people. We are being tested to see if we will help in any way. Even $5 to the church Humanitarian fund a month will help. "Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethern, ye have done it unto me".
Gary's 70th birthday is on the 19th. I know all he really wants is a call from all of you. Love Nona and Farmer

Sunday, February 14, 2010

It is the day!!!!!!!

Happy Valentines Day to all of you, Spencer took the picture of the tulips that we had for you all for Valentines Day. Hope that you have had a fun and romantic day, something sweet to eat and someone to tell you each that you are loved. Dad and I love you all very much. Love, Dad and Mom
February 14,2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

It is the day before Valentines

I hope that you all have had a very fun day today. I did. Dad and I went to the Temple really early for me, 8am. The temple was so busy , I guess it was all the Valentine dates. Or maybe marriages. That would be fun to be married on the 14th. Today would have been my Grandpa Stephens birthday, he would have been 106 years old. WOW! One thing that I remember about him was that he was so romantic. He kissed the girls and made tham cry, that is what Grandma used to say. Some of the early pictures of him are very handsome, he was a hunk!! He could of had any date that he wanted, he was tall and slim and very good-looking. That kind of sounds like your Dad, the first time I met him I was completely wowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew that if any one married him that it would be ME. Now for my joke of the day....The average American spends 6 years of their life in the bathroom and only 6 months at stoplights. So which do you think involves more stop and go? That was a 2nd grade joke I'm sure. I love you all and hope that you have a great day tomorrow. Also ,I hope that Cassie and her Kids are feeling much better, also Claire. Love, Nona and Farmer

Friday, February 12, 2010

A mistake!!!!

On my last blog I wrote that tomorrow was Friday, whoops it is today...... Love, Nona

It is Friday, tomorrow......

I went visiting teaching this morning and had a very nice time. I really like the women that I go to. I finally got the pictures placed above the bed that Dan gave us for Christmas, they look great with our new gold bedspread, okay, there I broke the news to you, I did get a bedspread. It is beautiful. Heh, I have a new joke for you, I feel like Marissa, In the wintertime squirrels lose about half of their nuts because they forget where they have stored them. HA-HA Eve I wanted to thank you for the sweet thing that you did. That made Grandpa and I so happy and proud of you. We love you all so much. I haven't heard from my doctor yet, maybe on Tuesday. Love, Nona and Farmer

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Claire!!!! You are one...

First of all we want to wish Claire a very Happy Birthday, Dad has sent her present in the mail which should be arriving very soon. I can't believe that it has been a whole year. How are your ears , etc. doing? We hope that you are feeling much better. Today I have hung some pictures up around the house, the floor doesn't know what to do with me walking on it. Surprise, Surprise. I am calling the doctor to set up the great back appt. this month I think. Tomorrow we are going to go to the St.George Temple. It is so beautiful inside and out. Even this time of year there are flowers blooming. Oh, Lacey and Natalie since you have a personal connection with your birthdays to the "Great Elvis", I have a joke for you. It is estimated that there are 50,000 professional Elvis impersonators. That's a lot of peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Funny huh? Love, Nona and Farmer

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The decision is becoming clear......

I am starting to feel better about the back decision, the doctor is going to call me tomorrow. Please say a prayer or two for me that I can feel sure about my decision. Love, Nona and

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dad is the most wonderful man...

I think that I need to write and tell you all what a wonderful person that Rick is. He gets up in the morning and fixes Gary his breakfast and then asks me if I want anything to eat, and then lets me lay in bed and switch sides all morning and asks me one hundred times a day what he can do for me. I really could not handle this without his help. He does the laundry, does the dishes and then helps me decide what to fix for dinner. He is always there to help me carry things, folds the clothes and in general is a Superman. I know that he was meant for me and I am so glad that I was the lucky one that is married to him. I know this is kind of mushy, but I want you each to know that I love him with all my heart. Love, Mom P.S. I love mom too, Dad

Monday, February 8, 2010

the big decision, I need your help with please....

I have been laying in bed today trying to decide on the back surgery, I know I need to have it, but I really do not want to have the discogram thing done, any comments about it, or explain it to me okay. I do not want to hurt anymore. Today Claire had tubes put in her ears, what a mean before birthday present, Lacey and Greg. We hope that she feel so much better. I will write more later, when I am in a more jovial mood. I love you all, boys and girls. Love Nona and Farmer. Be sure and read and listen to the e-mails that Dad sent you today alright. Love you again. Mom

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The beat goes on.......

Dad and his heart are doing just dandy. As most of you know from the calls and e-mails today, that I will just write a small note. We love each one of you as our wonderful children/adults, and I am proud of how each of you conduct your families and your own life. I do appreciate you all so much. Love, Mom

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dad and his electric shocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dad has noticed that he hasn't been feeling well for a few days, so he took his pulse and yes sireee, his heart was out of rhythmn (that spelling ) is probably out of whack just like dad's heart. So this afternoon and evening it seemed to bother him more so we went to the hospital for the dreaded jolt of **************** electricity. It took two big jolts and then he was back to his normal self. I am sure that that feeling and experience isn't one that many people would want to experience. So here were are back home now safe and sound. We love you all, and thankyou each for your prayers for Dad. Love, Nona and Farmer

Friday, February 5, 2010

Mom left today to go back to Ogden.....

Today has seemed so quiet because Mom left to go back home. It really does seem like all my running around is done. You know how dad is about shopping. Oh, I forgot to tell you all, when we went to the High Priest potato party yesterday, we had to bring brocolli, so when we got home from shopping last night, the whole house smelled like an out house. Dad had about 5 candles lit, but it didn't help the problem go away very fast. That brocolli is a very potent vegetable, I must say. The smell lingers and lingers. Pretty soon it is little Claire's birthday. I can't believe that she will be one. Then little Meredith and little Mr. No-Name. I am hoping that it still is Finn Melanie Hall. I do like the sound of that one. Dad 's heart is out of whack I think. So please pray for him and maybe that will do the job. I know that it can't hurt. Monday morning he is going to call the doctor in SLC about it again, I hope that it doesn't have to be a shock job. The doctor called about my back, I don't have any infection at all , which is good, and my blood counts are all good. But he wants me to think about having a discogram, uck, and if that is what he thinks it will be then he wants me to have back surgery. I have a few weeks to decide about what to do, so I will be doing alot of praying. Aimee have you heard any more about Arkansas ? Is that the spelling? Dad says that it is. It doesn't seem right to me. Tomorrow Spencer is going to fly to SLC with Kassity and her family to pick up their car. I am sure that he is excited, up in the air and kissing,,,,,,,,,,, all the way there. That makes me want to be sick. I guess that I am not that fun. Well, I will bid you all adieu!!! Love, Nona and Farmer

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Shopping at Kohls at 8pm!!!!!!!!

Today Mom and I went to see my Uncle Lynn who lives just up the street on Telegraph in a trailer park, He is 93 and looks about 75 or so. He is always such a fun person, so I will have somebody to visit now each week. Then we came home and I had a nap , then we got up and made some brocolli for the potato bar for the High Priests party, we all had fun, Gary, Dad , Me and Mom. After that I went with mom to Kohls and got a cute table runner, some water bottles for the gym, some washcloths, and Valentine Day towels for the kitchen. So I had fun spending my birthday money. I am tired and so is mom, so after we watch the Mentalist, I will go to bed. We love all of you, We need some visitors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hint-hint. Love, Nona and Farmer

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The surprise starts with a B and ends with a D!!!!!!!

Well, today was an exciting day. I had to sleep until 11:00 , notice I said had to. My problem areas hurt, I won't bore you with the details. Then we all ate lunch and then I had a short nappie-poo. Then Grandma and I went to the hospital and I had my x-rays done and some blood work done also. So exciting. Then Mom and I went to Michael's and got some picture frames for the cool pictures that Dan got us for Christmas. They look so neat. I think that we will put them in our room. After that we went to Ross's and looked around, You must have guessed it by now, I found a new b-------d. It is beautiful. It is gold with ruffles around the sides. I will send you a picture tomorrow of the whole set-up all right? Mom are having alot of fun . I am glad that she is here. Mom has something for you Marissa from Dad and I. We love you all. Love Nona and Farmer

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Can any of you believe this?????

I actually got on this blog from the very,very beginning. I am totally amazed. Maybe there is hope for that computer class that I WANT to teach for the college. I am expecting a call any minute now. Heh, we need a contribution for the Nyquil fund at our house for Gary and Spencer. The coughing is still going on. You girls will be proud of me, I got Dad and Spencer to help change the dust ruffle and sheets and quilt on our bed. I keep thinking about you guys telling me NOT to buy a new bedspread. I don't know if I can keep the promise, I have seen some pretty sassy bedspreads, also a few gorgeous baskets along the way. I must try try try to keep my bargain. Marissa, I am so proud of you and your success in teaching. Keep a stiff upper lip. Grandma is here today and we have been watching the biggest loser tonight. We are having a fun time visiting. I am glad that she is here. I love you all lots, Nona and Farmer

Monday, February 1, 2010

The wonders of Nyquil......

Everyone seems to be getting a tad better, I think. Dad found Gary asleep in his chair after breakfast, he was either really tired of the western that was on channel 20, or really sleepy because of the Nyquil. After lunch he had been coughing so hard that Rick gave him another dose and Gary said " aaahhhhh, that sure is strong" We thought that it was funny because he kind of made the sound he makes when he has that first swig of pop. There is only one Gary and we love him. Our home would be rather boring without him. He just seems to fit right in here with our little family. Who does that sound like? Well, Grandma Stephens is coming to stay for some time tomorrow. I need to clean the bathroom upstairs, I wonder what Spencer has done up there lately, probably all his dishes and glasses are in the bathroom sink. He thinks that is where they belong, either there or on his floor with 20 wrappers of candy and some pop bottles, he has a very healthy diet . At least he thinks he does. I think that a vitamin would immediately curl up and die if it entered his body. Well, we love you all, Nona and Farmer.