Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A long thinking day.......

As you all can guess, today all day, my little mind has been mulling over the back operation, when it was a c-section I could plan the whole thing out, Huh, Cassie.  but this is different, I don't know what in the hedouble toothpicks they are going to do to me.  I guess I will find out.  Marissa I need you to make me a countdown clock like you have done for yourself  for events, both good and bad.  I do love and appreciate the fact that you are all so willing to help me, that makes me able to face things easier.  I do love all of you.  Love, Nona and Farmer


MALANS said...

Youre doing it!!! We will drive down and drag you up by your pretty little hair!!:) lots of love, ashlee!