Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday, another beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know how we keep rating these beautiful days, it must be because Marissa, and Aimee and all her beautiful kids are down here. Also because Finn C. Hall was born. I feel so blessed. I can walk an hour a day now and sleep a very long time, and also take a shower by myself, I also have lots and lots of gray hair as the kids will tell you. I think if you had a gray off, I would win over Grandma Stephens, Depressing huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow I think that I will have alot of helpers with my hair. Do you all think that I should grow it long or keep it short? I really don't know what to do. Fact for today: Sleepwalking is hereditary- and 2.5% of Americans do it regularly. Watch out for Marissa okay. Love, Nona and Farmer


Lindberg Family said...

Chris thinks you should grow it long, like down to your ankles...kind of like a female Fabio.;)

MALANS said...

Marissa and Maddox can have a party at night!! Keep your hair short! Its way cute!

Mrs. Carlile said...

short, and I do a lot more than sleepwalk, I clean and have conversations :)

MALANS said...

Hurry home the dishwasher is wondering where you are!