Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Boring day, that is what farmer said

Well, today started out great dad missed his dentist appt. He thought it was 10 and it was 9, so somehow I (dad thinks) told him the wrong time, which I did not. I have got a back appt. on Jan 26th so we will be up there then. I can't wait to see the kids and then we want to go to Huntsville and do something for Christian. I love you all so much and am glad that you are our children, we have been blessed with each one of you. Oh, someone told me that it is Natalie and Dustin's anniversary, I can't believe how fast time flies. So hope that you both have had a fun day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love Nona and Farmer


MALANS said...

You should come up and stay several days! I am personally really glad you are getting your back fixed! I hate to see you in pain!

The Halls said...

Oh it was fun alright ;) Just kidding. It was a joke people.