Monday, January 18, 2010

sorry about tomarrow......Yes , you don't mess w/C

Marissa, I don't know what happened to me, My mind is fast slipping , as you know. It is Tomorrow!!!! but you must realize that I was typing with one finger. That sucks. Cassie should be the next Martha Stewart, I am saying this because I believe it. She amazes me at the things she accomplishes. She even crocheted some slippers during the evenings. It sounds like my Mom. She used to do needlework in the evenings and my dad used to say stop the clickety- click or I'll go crazy. I always admire mom because she accomplishes so many things of beauty with her hands. I would have to have an IV drip of valium to do what they do, do any of you remember the slippers that I knit you one year , they were checked and were so cute. I do like to crochet though, if I have someone there to read the pattern, Kind of like the time I started step-aerobics and I had Cassie stay home from school, to stop and start the VCR so I could pick up the steps. Well. the hand is tired, so am I so I will close this blog up.I love you Ali, Londyn, and Meredith, also Cassie for the great visit. Love Nona and Farmer


MALANS said...

mom, you're awesome. I would need a valium, or a new brain to crochet-my mind doesn't work that way either. Hope you're arm feels better

MALANS said...

that was from Marissa-I forgot to change screen names