Monday, March 22, 2010

The great big car ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was my first after coming home car-ride. We went to Cedar City to sign some papers and then we drove out to NewCastle...I thought that it was Enterprise. I am happy to now know what the name is. The land was sage-brush and on one side of us lives a very nice Mexican family, we are still trying to decide what to do. Also we went to the ER because I thought I had Mersa in part of my back, the DR. thought it didn't look like it , but gave me some Septra stuff for it. Then we had a nice 1 hour nap and did dinner etc. How is the moving business coming or going? Fact; Bic pens were originally to be named after Marcel Bich but marketers chaanged their minds and dropped the "h" when they thought about how the name might be pronounced in America!! Love Nona and Farmer