Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pioneerrr children sang as they walked and walked

This is what I feel like lately. The primary song about Pioneer children walking and walking and walking.... the only thing is that I truly am thankful that I can walk and walk. You really do not appreciate the fact that you are able to walk, at least I really didn't!!!!! Dad started a facebook for me today and then I got a phone call from Ashlee saying that she didn't know that I was a bi-sexual person, Dad soon edited the form for me. How embarassing. I wonder how I will do with the facebook. I love and appreciate all you have done for me and also dad. But please pray about those of you who are considering moving. I moved alot as a child, and the one thing I missed the most were my grandparents and especially my first cousins, that is something that you can never make up. I love and trust your decisions, and so does dad. We love you all, Nona and Farmer


Mrs. Carlile said...

Have you met our first cousins haha. I agree they shouldn't move-by the way your facebook status hasn't changed :)you're still interested in men and women

The Halls said...

That is honestly the funniest thing that I have heard in a long time.

Lindberg Family said...

Thanks for the guilt-trip!!!